Body of Christ
When my babies were born, we lived in the time before pre-birth testing. Dad’s and Mom’s painted rooms yellow, baby showers were gender neutral and many a girl had to wear a blue sleeper and sons wore at least one pink sleeper – when it came time for the baby to be born, it was Momma, the nurse, and the doctor. Dad’s stayed where they belonged – in the waiting room – smoking!
When my children were born, I was taken to the nursery to view them through the window – bundles sleeping in their cribs. My wife was able to actually hold the new born – she related to me that one of the first things she did was unwrap the blankets and take inventory – eyes, ears, fingers and toes topped the list. When she was satisfied that he or she had all the necessary parts, she would hand the baby back to the nurse who wrapped and deposited baby for Dad to see.
Our bodies are marvels! Each part performs a very specific and vital task for the good of the whole body. Before we were born, we were fearfully and wonderfully made! We were created in God’s image! Each part of our body serves a purpose and is needed – Paul writes to the church at Corinth about the parts of the body:
Yes, if one part suffers – every part suffers –
My cancer
Commercials for heart medicine that prevents a blood clot
A cold
If one part is honored – every part rejoices –
A fireman that saves a person from the fire
The winning basket
A hole in one
Our bodies become symbols of our life together – various people combine together to form a unit – a whole
Dad’s medal – WWII – he was an ambulance driver – he served as one part of the whole unit – to paraphrase Paul – could the whole army be made up of infantry soldiers? Where would be the communications? Where would be the cooks?
Our Savior Lutheran Church and School is also an unit – we are part of the body of Christ!
Each one of us – each member – plays a crucial part to the well-being of the whole.
The school needs teachers – but also students
We need staff – and parents
And so on – no person remotely connected to the school is unimportant. Each person acting individually contributes to the good of the body
The same is true of the church. Each member – each person connected with OSL plays a vital part in forming the body of Christ here on Holmes Rd.
Now you are the body of Christ – and each one of you is a part of it!
But what part do you play? We can look again at Paul and paraphrase –
Because I am not a Pastor I do not belong to the body
Because I am not a musician I do not belong to the body
Because I can not give lots of money I do not belong to the body
But – if everyone were a pastor or musician or gave lots of money – where would we be? Would we be healthy?
No – there are many parts and each member plays a vital part
But what part do you play?
We are starting a brand new form of church organization – it is called policy based governess – no longer do we have boards and committees that perform all of the functions – now we rely on the entire body to use their gifts and talents for the good of the congregation – for the good of the kingdom.
Each person has a place and a function.
Some members will be asked to perform specific roles – most members are being asked to volunteer – to examine what it is that you are gifted with and use it for the good of the body.
Each one is gifted with gifts from the Holy Spirit – Each one has special talents
Scrap booking
Reading to children
Setting up for meals
Bible study leader
Drive people to and from appointments
What are your Spiritual Gifts?
What are your talents?
Now you are the body of Christ – and each one of you is part of it
When my babies were born, we lived in the time before pre-birth testing. Dad’s and Mom’s painted rooms yellow, baby showers were gender neutral and many a girl had to wear a blue sleeper and sons wore at least one pink sleeper – when it came time for the baby to be born, it was Momma, the nurse, and the doctor. Dad’s stayed where they belonged – in the waiting room – smoking!
When my children were born, I was taken to the nursery to view them through the window – bundles sleeping in their cribs. My wife was able to actually hold the new born – she related to me that one of the first things she did was unwrap the blankets and take inventory – eyes, ears, fingers and toes topped the list. When she was satisfied that he or she had all the necessary parts, she would hand the baby back to the nurse who wrapped and deposited baby for Dad to see.
Our bodies are marvels! Each part performs a very specific and vital task for the good of the whole body. Before we were born, we were fearfully and wonderfully made! We were created in God’s image! Each part of our body serves a purpose and is needed – Paul writes to the church at Corinth about the parts of the body:
Yes, if one part suffers – every part suffers –
My cancer
Commercials for heart medicine that prevents a blood clot
A cold
If one part is honored – every part rejoices –
A fireman that saves a person from the fire
The winning basket
A hole in one
Our bodies become symbols of our life together – various people combine together to form a unit – a whole
Dad’s medal – WWII – he was an ambulance driver – he served as one part of the whole unit – to paraphrase Paul – could the whole army be made up of infantry soldiers? Where would be the communications? Where would be the cooks?
Our Savior Lutheran Church and School is also an unit – we are part of the body of Christ!
Each one of us – each member – plays a crucial part to the well-being of the whole.
The school needs teachers – but also students
We need staff – and parents
And so on – no person remotely connected to the school is unimportant. Each person acting individually contributes to the good of the body
The same is true of the church. Each member – each person connected with OSL plays a vital part in forming the body of Christ here on Holmes Rd.
Now you are the body of Christ – and each one of you is a part of it!
But what part do you play? We can look again at Paul and paraphrase –
Because I am not a Pastor I do not belong to the body
Because I am not a musician I do not belong to the body
Because I can not give lots of money I do not belong to the body
But – if everyone were a pastor or musician or gave lots of money – where would we be? Would we be healthy?
No – there are many parts and each member plays a vital part
But what part do you play?
We are starting a brand new form of church organization – it is called policy based governess – no longer do we have boards and committees that perform all of the functions – now we rely on the entire body to use their gifts and talents for the good of the congregation – for the good of the kingdom.
Each person has a place and a function.
Some members will be asked to perform specific roles – most members are being asked to volunteer – to examine what it is that you are gifted with and use it for the good of the body.
Each one is gifted with gifts from the Holy Spirit – Each one has special talents
Scrap booking
Reading to children
Setting up for meals
Bible study leader
Drive people to and from appointments
What are your Spiritual Gifts?
What are your talents?
Now you are the body of Christ – and each one of you is part of it