Rich's 70th Birthday Party

Carol hosted a celebration for Rich’s 70th birthday with a dinner in Historic St. Charles. Rich was overcome with emotion as he was honored by family and friends, highlighted by the surprise visit of son, Richard, from Chicago and daughter, Rebecca, from Michigan.
The Invitation
The Celebration
Greetings From Those Unable to Attend
Richard Cohrs is simply one of the finest men I have ever had the privilege to know. In particular I admire his love for Jesus Christ and all the ways he has worked to be an ambassador for the Lord in his personal and professional pursuits.
I have said of Rich that he is the most generous man I know. And this generosity is not just in his sharing of his material blessing, but Rich is generous in spirit, word, and deed. He remembers others with kindness. He encourages others and prays for them. This is his practice as a teacher, a leader, an elder, a father, a friend. Even Rich’s waiter or waitress at a restaurant is included as a recipient of his personal concern, kind words, and prayers. As Rich’s coworker and friend, I have been blessed by his generosity in good council and encouragement more times than I can say.
My most indelible memory of Rich will always remain the time we spent together in Israel. He graciously included me, his new pastor and co-worker, on a trip that should have included his beloved Bunny. Though he hardly knew me and was in one of the most difficult moments of his life he was so kind as to invite me as his guest on the adventure of a lifetime. There were humorous moments on that trip (especially the fear that we might have to share a bed together, and having to eat St. Peter’s fish as it stared back at us from our plates.) There were also deeply emotional moments on that trip (including a visit to the Church of all Nations in the Garden of Gethsemane.) Most of all, there was the wonder of walking in the very footsteps of Christ, seeing the biblical accounts with new eyes, and the gift of a new and dear friend.
Our Lord has led and carried Rich through many joys and sorrows. He has blessed him with gifts for teaching and equipping the saints. He has given him the joy of a wonderful family, including his beloved Carol. And now the Lord has brought him to the beginning of an eighth decade of life! As he looks back on seven decades well lived and richly blessed, I join him in saying, “Thanks be to God!” And as he looks forward to all that God has in store for many years to come on this earth (we pray) and for all of eternity in His presence, I join him in saying, “To God alone be the glory!”
The happiest of birthdays to you, Rich.
God bless you!
Dan Hahn
I have said of Rich that he is the most generous man I know. And this generosity is not just in his sharing of his material blessing, but Rich is generous in spirit, word, and deed. He remembers others with kindness. He encourages others and prays for them. This is his practice as a teacher, a leader, an elder, a father, a friend. Even Rich’s waiter or waitress at a restaurant is included as a recipient of his personal concern, kind words, and prayers. As Rich’s coworker and friend, I have been blessed by his generosity in good council and encouragement more times than I can say.
My most indelible memory of Rich will always remain the time we spent together in Israel. He graciously included me, his new pastor and co-worker, on a trip that should have included his beloved Bunny. Though he hardly knew me and was in one of the most difficult moments of his life he was so kind as to invite me as his guest on the adventure of a lifetime. There were humorous moments on that trip (especially the fear that we might have to share a bed together, and having to eat St. Peter’s fish as it stared back at us from our plates.) There were also deeply emotional moments on that trip (including a visit to the Church of all Nations in the Garden of Gethsemane.) Most of all, there was the wonder of walking in the very footsteps of Christ, seeing the biblical accounts with new eyes, and the gift of a new and dear friend.
Our Lord has led and carried Rich through many joys and sorrows. He has blessed him with gifts for teaching and equipping the saints. He has given him the joy of a wonderful family, including his beloved Carol. And now the Lord has brought him to the beginning of an eighth decade of life! As he looks back on seven decades well lived and richly blessed, I join him in saying, “Thanks be to God!” And as he looks forward to all that God has in store for many years to come on this earth (we pray) and for all of eternity in His presence, I join him in saying, “To God alone be the glory!”
The happiest of birthdays to you, Rich.
God bless you!
Dan Hahn
August 27, 2018
Dear Rich,
I cannot believe that you are about to turn 70. You have been given an amazing life that has been marked by people who have seen God work through you and make a difference in their life. I am one of those.
First thing I think of is your wedding ceremony to Carol. The look of joy that was on both your face4s reminded God wants people to exhibit joy in marriage. You have always done that and encouraged others to do likewise.
Next, find joy in the little things. I always enjoy talking with you because you can find a reason for joy in Sauerkraut Seeds, or the technology of a school, or your golf game, or the funny little thing that Carol R. said at Immanuel. God has given you a great, but slightly warped sense of humor that you often used in presentations and meetings to help reduce the stress and remind us that what we do is supposed to be fun.
You are someone who was genuinely concerned about others and worked hard to let them know you were thinking about them. This meant a lot to me as I often was so concerned about others it was great to know someone also had my back. You invested time in our relationship and often we could solve the world’s problems at a golf course or restaurant. You evidence this with Bunny, Carol, your kids and those you served with. You have a great gift of empathy.
You have been a tremendous Blessing in the lives of many. School children, teachers, parents, Lutheran Hour volunteers and fellow Lutheran Educators have benefitted from God working through you. Thanks for being my friend, colleague and brother in Christ. Jayne and I wish you a terrific birthday with many more to follow.
One word of caution, don’t celebrate on the train tracks in Germany.
In Christ with His love and Ours,
Bruce & Jayne
Dear Rich,
I cannot believe that you are about to turn 70. You have been given an amazing life that has been marked by people who have seen God work through you and make a difference in their life. I am one of those.
First thing I think of is your wedding ceremony to Carol. The look of joy that was on both your face4s reminded God wants people to exhibit joy in marriage. You have always done that and encouraged others to do likewise.
Next, find joy in the little things. I always enjoy talking with you because you can find a reason for joy in Sauerkraut Seeds, or the technology of a school, or your golf game, or the funny little thing that Carol R. said at Immanuel. God has given you a great, but slightly warped sense of humor that you often used in presentations and meetings to help reduce the stress and remind us that what we do is supposed to be fun.
You are someone who was genuinely concerned about others and worked hard to let them know you were thinking about them. This meant a lot to me as I often was so concerned about others it was great to know someone also had my back. You invested time in our relationship and often we could solve the world’s problems at a golf course or restaurant. You evidence this with Bunny, Carol, your kids and those you served with. You have a great gift of empathy.
You have been a tremendous Blessing in the lives of many. School children, teachers, parents, Lutheran Hour volunteers and fellow Lutheran Educators have benefitted from God working through you. Thanks for being my friend, colleague and brother in Christ. Jayne and I wish you a terrific birthday with many more to follow.
One word of caution, don’t celebrate on the train tracks in Germany.
In Christ with His love and Ours,
Bruce & Jayne

Dear Rich,
Who would have thought you were 70! I never would have. Mainly because you have never acted your age. When many 70 year olds are looking for new and better ways to do less, you are looking for new and better ways to do more for the kingdom of God. Every time I hear your name it comes from another person who was working with you at an event or traveling with you to some foreign country. You don’t act like a 70 year old and that is a good thing.
I cannot express in words what you and your friendship have meant to me. At Child of God, when I was a wet behind the ears, newbie pastor, you were a sounding board, a confidant and friend. You, along with Carol’s help, saw me through some of my most difficult days of my ministry. Ever since then you have been a trusted friend and brother in the faith. Whether in Missouri or overseas, you have always been a God send to me and my life.
So happy Birthday, Rich! I pray that it is a truly blessed day and that the Lord gives you many more.
Your friend in Christ,
Rev. Kurt R. Klaus
Who would have thought you were 70! I never would have. Mainly because you have never acted your age. When many 70 year olds are looking for new and better ways to do less, you are looking for new and better ways to do more for the kingdom of God. Every time I hear your name it comes from another person who was working with you at an event or traveling with you to some foreign country. You don’t act like a 70 year old and that is a good thing.
I cannot express in words what you and your friendship have meant to me. At Child of God, when I was a wet behind the ears, newbie pastor, you were a sounding board, a confidant and friend. You, along with Carol’s help, saw me through some of my most difficult days of my ministry. Ever since then you have been a trusted friend and brother in the faith. Whether in Missouri or overseas, you have always been a God send to me and my life.
So happy Birthday, Rich! I pray that it is a truly blessed day and that the Lord gives you many more.
Your friend in Christ,
Rev. Kurt R. Klaus
Thoughts From Carol

You know the song, Cherish:
“Cherish is the word I use to describe, All the feeling that I have hiding here for you inside…” And I do, Cherish you; and I do, Cherish you…
The song has always had meaning to me, not the sad story of hidden love, or the unrequited love but the word itself, cherish – what it means.
I know that God cherishes me – He knew me before I was born, He knew me when I was knitted in mom’s womb. I know He cherishes me because He let Jesus die in my stead. I learned that in Sunday School. I know that He cherishes me because He taught me through all my life experiences.
I also know He cherishes me because He brought Rich into my life. He cherishes me too, in all the things he does daily. Rich’s stories always start with something quirky, something funny but always leads me to the punch line – Jesus loves me, Rich loves me. And I feel cherished.
Rich knows I love to travel, so most of my stories, my memories are in travel stories – the people who loved with us, who laughed with us, who cried tears with us.
Our laughter as the waves splashed above our heads and got us wet.
The solemnness as we walked into the seminary church of Martin Luther.
I remember the days of fear in Germany, calmed by God’s assurance thru Rich’s dreams
The understanding of the guts it took to sign the peace doc at Appomattox
I remember the tears as I watched Rich preach on of his last sermons on Reformation weekend
Walking the camel down the street with Rich saying “Yalla, yalla = go, go.”
I remember watching Rich and Tony dance in the cave, entertaining the people waiting for the rain to stop
Seeing the wild bears in Denali Park near the top of the mountain
Seeing Rich’s excitement to be on Denali Mtn, seeing the bears was second only to the day before the PGA. It was like the day before Christmas.
Rich is a warm, generous, giving and open-hearted man. He follows Jesus and loves his family, friends and those in need beyond whatever I could imagine. I am a very cherished woman and wouldn’t trade him for any reason, anything, anybody. My love to you forever. Enjoy!!!
“Cherish is the word I use to describe, All the feeling that I have hiding here for you inside…” And I do, Cherish you; and I do, Cherish you…
The song has always had meaning to me, not the sad story of hidden love, or the unrequited love but the word itself, cherish – what it means.
I know that God cherishes me – He knew me before I was born, He knew me when I was knitted in mom’s womb. I know He cherishes me because He let Jesus die in my stead. I learned that in Sunday School. I know that He cherishes me because He taught me through all my life experiences.
I also know He cherishes me because He brought Rich into my life. He cherishes me too, in all the things he does daily. Rich’s stories always start with something quirky, something funny but always leads me to the punch line – Jesus loves me, Rich loves me. And I feel cherished.
Rich knows I love to travel, so most of my stories, my memories are in travel stories – the people who loved with us, who laughed with us, who cried tears with us.
Our laughter as the waves splashed above our heads and got us wet.
The solemnness as we walked into the seminary church of Martin Luther.
I remember the days of fear in Germany, calmed by God’s assurance thru Rich’s dreams
The understanding of the guts it took to sign the peace doc at Appomattox
I remember the tears as I watched Rich preach on of his last sermons on Reformation weekend
Walking the camel down the street with Rich saying “Yalla, yalla = go, go.”
I remember watching Rich and Tony dance in the cave, entertaining the people waiting for the rain to stop
Seeing the wild bears in Denali Park near the top of the mountain
Seeing Rich’s excitement to be on Denali Mtn, seeing the bears was second only to the day before the PGA. It was like the day before Christmas.
Rich is a warm, generous, giving and open-hearted man. He follows Jesus and loves his family, friends and those in need beyond whatever I could imagine. I am a very cherished woman and wouldn’t trade him for any reason, anything, anybody. My love to you forever. Enjoy!!!