Reject Jesus?
Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures:
"'The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes'? - Matthew 21:42
Jesus often taught His disciples through the use of parables – earthly stories with a Heavenly meaning. In Matthew 21, Jesus tells His followers about a landowner that built a vineyard and rented it out. The renters refused to pay what they owed. The landowner sent first some of his employees to collect the fees – didn’t work. Then he tried again, didn’t work. Finally, he sent his son, thinking that the renters couldn’t refuse the son, but they did. They rejected him.
The landowner is God, the vineyard His creation. We are the renters. The son of the story is Jesus, the Son of God. The story pronounces judgment on the renters. So it is with us.
Reject Jesus? Me? How can this be?
I must confess that there have been times in my life when I have said bad things about my brothers. I wasn’t always happy with what they were doing and I got mad. I reject Jesus when I am angry at my brothers.
I confess that I sometimes let my mind wander during church services. I confess that I am often selfish, refusing to share my things – especially the TV remote. I confess that I often talk about others, not always in a kind way.
I reject Jesus.
Jesus never rejects me. He paid for sins on the cross – He rose from the grave to give me life – He promises me eternal life. He will never leave me. That is awesome!
Reject Jesus? – yes I do – that is sin. Saved by faith! – yes I am – that is salvation.
Prayer: God, thank you for sending Jesus to save me from sin. Help me always to accept Jesus as Savior. Amen
"'The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes'? - Matthew 21:42
Jesus often taught His disciples through the use of parables – earthly stories with a Heavenly meaning. In Matthew 21, Jesus tells His followers about a landowner that built a vineyard and rented it out. The renters refused to pay what they owed. The landowner sent first some of his employees to collect the fees – didn’t work. Then he tried again, didn’t work. Finally, he sent his son, thinking that the renters couldn’t refuse the son, but they did. They rejected him.
The landowner is God, the vineyard His creation. We are the renters. The son of the story is Jesus, the Son of God. The story pronounces judgment on the renters. So it is with us.
Reject Jesus? Me? How can this be?
I must confess that there have been times in my life when I have said bad things about my brothers. I wasn’t always happy with what they were doing and I got mad. I reject Jesus when I am angry at my brothers.
I confess that I sometimes let my mind wander during church services. I confess that I am often selfish, refusing to share my things – especially the TV remote. I confess that I often talk about others, not always in a kind way.
I reject Jesus.
Jesus never rejects me. He paid for sins on the cross – He rose from the grave to give me life – He promises me eternal life. He will never leave me. That is awesome!
Reject Jesus? – yes I do – that is sin. Saved by faith! – yes I am – that is salvation.
Prayer: God, thank you for sending Jesus to save me from sin. Help me always to accept Jesus as Savior. Amen