Spring Forward 4-7-2004
“Spring Forward, Fall Back.”
I had to keep repeating this phrase over and over as I set all of our clocks this past weekend. It is hard for me to keep straight what way I need to move the clocks, so I repeat the phrase each time I set a clock.
I am now officially on Daylight Savings Time. I now have the privilege of getting up when it is dark and having more daylight hours in the evening. That is not an entirely bad thing. There is very little worth watching on television during the summer. I might as well be outside.
We commemorated the first full day of Daylight Savings Time by sitting in the backyard swing and watching the birds, squirrels and fish feed. I am always fascinated by the life in our backyard. Our address may say we live in the city, but the animals are not always aware they shouldn’t be in the city. We have nine feeders we try to keep full during the year – two for finches, two for hummingbirds, two for small birds, one for medium birds, one for large birds and one on the ground for birds or rabbits or squirrels. Sunday night all of the feeders except for the hummingbird ones were in use at the same time – the yard was alive with color, motion, and sound. It was peaceful to watch the graceful swoops and landings of the birds. Each species in a similar pattern, yet each one unique.
The squirrels have their own corn feeder in the tree. Mister squirrel was trying to get some of the bird’s food instead of working the corn out of the feeder. Mrs. Rabbit came by to eat at the ground feeder – which is better than eating the young flowers.
The fish came up to the surface of the pond for an evening snack. The birds hopped into the stream for a bath. The sunlight highlighted the flowers. It was very peaceful.
We opened up the hot tub for a quick soak before bed. The hot water eases Bunny’s pain so that she can get some sleep. The full moon reflected a world at peace. My heart was full of joy at witnessing God’s wonderful creation.
If I can feel so much joy seeing this world, how much more joy will there be in the perfect world of heaven? My mind cannot grasp the magnitude of beauty and peace that awaits me in heaven. I can only guess – and praise God. For it was through the unimaginable brutality of the cross that I can gain the unimaginable beauty of heaven.
I spring forward with joy.
I had to keep repeating this phrase over and over as I set all of our clocks this past weekend. It is hard for me to keep straight what way I need to move the clocks, so I repeat the phrase each time I set a clock.
I am now officially on Daylight Savings Time. I now have the privilege of getting up when it is dark and having more daylight hours in the evening. That is not an entirely bad thing. There is very little worth watching on television during the summer. I might as well be outside.
We commemorated the first full day of Daylight Savings Time by sitting in the backyard swing and watching the birds, squirrels and fish feed. I am always fascinated by the life in our backyard. Our address may say we live in the city, but the animals are not always aware they shouldn’t be in the city. We have nine feeders we try to keep full during the year – two for finches, two for hummingbirds, two for small birds, one for medium birds, one for large birds and one on the ground for birds or rabbits or squirrels. Sunday night all of the feeders except for the hummingbird ones were in use at the same time – the yard was alive with color, motion, and sound. It was peaceful to watch the graceful swoops and landings of the birds. Each species in a similar pattern, yet each one unique.
The squirrels have their own corn feeder in the tree. Mister squirrel was trying to get some of the bird’s food instead of working the corn out of the feeder. Mrs. Rabbit came by to eat at the ground feeder – which is better than eating the young flowers.
The fish came up to the surface of the pond for an evening snack. The birds hopped into the stream for a bath. The sunlight highlighted the flowers. It was very peaceful.
We opened up the hot tub for a quick soak before bed. The hot water eases Bunny’s pain so that she can get some sleep. The full moon reflected a world at peace. My heart was full of joy at witnessing God’s wonderful creation.
If I can feel so much joy seeing this world, how much more joy will there be in the perfect world of heaven? My mind cannot grasp the magnitude of beauty and peace that awaits me in heaven. I can only guess – and praise God. For it was through the unimaginable brutality of the cross that I can gain the unimaginable beauty of heaven.
I spring forward with joy.
Sugar Cookies 4-14-2004
“Kids are here!”
“Coming,” I responded as I bounded up the stairs to greet the kids.
Rich, Becky and Mike pulled in late Friday night to spend Easter with us. We were excited to see them!
After the initial hugs and hauling in of suitcases, we settled around the kitchen table. Bunny was in the middle of decorating sugar cookies to be sold at the Youth Group Easter baked goods sale. Bunny started icing a rabbit, Rich a chicken, Becky started an egg while Mike and I watched. I am a real big fan of eating decorated sugar cookies, just not one to do the decorating. Mike is a kindred spirit – eating is better than decorating.
After some good-natured shots from the kids (mixed with some guilt), Mike and I picked up a cookie to ice. Mike spent lots of time decorating his.
“The more time I spend, the less I have to do.”
He discovered that if he mixed all of the colors together, he would get a dark purple rabbit. I, on the other hand, spent a great deal of time decorating my egg cookie with the flames pattern from a 1957 Chevy. We may have been slow, but we created very unique decorated cookies.
Bunny brought out the decorated sugar cookies for Easter dinner dessert. Mike’s and my cookies were prominently displayed. (The “pretty” cookies went to church for the sale.) As we ate the cookies, we discovered that they tasted just as good as any of the “pretty” ones.
Easter is the time of year that I recall the great gift that God gave us through His Son. Christ rose from the dead and washed me clean. He has created me a new creature. I am free from the power of Satan. Man judges the outside trappings – wealth, beauty, knowledge, and favors the “pretty” decorated people. The purple rabbits and “flame” eggs are often overlooked and ignored. However, we are all the same in God’s eyes. Jesus makes us all presentable.
He is Risen!
“Coming,” I responded as I bounded up the stairs to greet the kids.
Rich, Becky and Mike pulled in late Friday night to spend Easter with us. We were excited to see them!
After the initial hugs and hauling in of suitcases, we settled around the kitchen table. Bunny was in the middle of decorating sugar cookies to be sold at the Youth Group Easter baked goods sale. Bunny started icing a rabbit, Rich a chicken, Becky started an egg while Mike and I watched. I am a real big fan of eating decorated sugar cookies, just not one to do the decorating. Mike is a kindred spirit – eating is better than decorating.
After some good-natured shots from the kids (mixed with some guilt), Mike and I picked up a cookie to ice. Mike spent lots of time decorating his.
“The more time I spend, the less I have to do.”
He discovered that if he mixed all of the colors together, he would get a dark purple rabbit. I, on the other hand, spent a great deal of time decorating my egg cookie with the flames pattern from a 1957 Chevy. We may have been slow, but we created very unique decorated cookies.
Bunny brought out the decorated sugar cookies for Easter dinner dessert. Mike’s and my cookies were prominently displayed. (The “pretty” cookies went to church for the sale.) As we ate the cookies, we discovered that they tasted just as good as any of the “pretty” ones.
Easter is the time of year that I recall the great gift that God gave us through His Son. Christ rose from the dead and washed me clean. He has created me a new creature. I am free from the power of Satan. Man judges the outside trappings – wealth, beauty, knowledge, and favors the “pretty” decorated people. The purple rabbits and “flame” eggs are often overlooked and ignored. However, we are all the same in God’s eyes. Jesus makes us all presentable.
He is Risen!
The Family Gathers 4-21-2004
It happens in the life of every family – often more than once. It usually occurs around times of celebrations or great stress. Sometimes it is evident at times of mourning. It is in times of celebration, stress or mourning that the family gathers together with a powerful unity. Each family member sets aside his or her own schedule, his or her own needs, and his or her own goals to rally around the family.
Perhaps a family member is ill. The family rushes to the bedside to offer their presence. Perhaps a family member is taken to Heaven. The remaining members gather to grieve the lost and celebrate the rebirth. The family gathers to hug and comfort. Perhaps a family member is celebrating a birthday. The family showers the beloved with their presence and presents.
These times are precious. The family is one. If there is a problem, it is soon vanquished. If there is sorrow, it soon turns to joy. If there is an event, it soon is a joyous celebration. The family laughs, hugs, laughs, eats, laughs, and plays together. Soon phrases are heard, “we should do this more often,” “ let’s just all sell everything and buy a big house on the lake,” “when is the next event,” are typically some of the more common phrases, for the family is in harmony. They are one. There are overwhelming feelings of peace, safety, security, comfort, joy and acceptance. No one wants it to be over. The family wants to remain in this state forever.
But it is not to be. Work schedules intrude. Commitments must be honored. Individuals must leave and go on their way. The party must be over, only to be resumed at the next illness, funeral, birthday or anniversary. The family separated becomes the family united once again. It is as if no time passed since being separated.
Is that not what it is like for our church family? Each Sunday we gather for celebration, comfort and sharing. The family is strong, united. But then we must separate, only to rejoin the following Sunday.
I can imagine that it was also like that for the disciples. They gathered together, celebrated, comforted and shared. Then it was time to be separated – only to be united again in heaven.
I look forward to my family reunion.
Perhaps a family member is ill. The family rushes to the bedside to offer their presence. Perhaps a family member is taken to Heaven. The remaining members gather to grieve the lost and celebrate the rebirth. The family gathers to hug and comfort. Perhaps a family member is celebrating a birthday. The family showers the beloved with their presence and presents.
These times are precious. The family is one. If there is a problem, it is soon vanquished. If there is sorrow, it soon turns to joy. If there is an event, it soon is a joyous celebration. The family laughs, hugs, laughs, eats, laughs, and plays together. Soon phrases are heard, “we should do this more often,” “ let’s just all sell everything and buy a big house on the lake,” “when is the next event,” are typically some of the more common phrases, for the family is in harmony. They are one. There are overwhelming feelings of peace, safety, security, comfort, joy and acceptance. No one wants it to be over. The family wants to remain in this state forever.
But it is not to be. Work schedules intrude. Commitments must be honored. Individuals must leave and go on their way. The party must be over, only to be resumed at the next illness, funeral, birthday or anniversary. The family separated becomes the family united once again. It is as if no time passed since being separated.
Is that not what it is like for our church family? Each Sunday we gather for celebration, comfort and sharing. The family is strong, united. But then we must separate, only to rejoin the following Sunday.
I can imagine that it was also like that for the disciples. They gathered together, celebrated, comforted and shared. Then it was time to be separated – only to be united again in heaven.
I look forward to my family reunion.
First Steps 4-28-2004
What a great day it is when Momma reports, “Baby took her first steps today.” It is even more special when other family members are present to witness the event.
The baby has been learning for months, turning over, scooting, crawling and walking around furniture or holding onto hands. After months of practice, baby is ready to launch herself on the vast world of self-propulsion. She lifts herself up confidently to a standing position, reaching out an outstretched hand placed firmly on the coffee table. She wheels around and spies her Mommy. Her face betrays her happiness and she slides one foot forward. She is so engrossed in watching her mother that she forgets and lets go. She picks up a foot and places it down in front of her – her first step. Her momentum carries her forward – two steps. She stops and adjusts her balance, hands out and an intense concentration on her face. Once more she lunges forward, three steps, four steps, and a final dive – five steps. The room erupts into applause! She is walking. Soon she will be running – her future lies ahead.
How the disciples must have missed their Master, their Teacher, their Lord after He ascended into heaven. They were soon to receive the Holy Spirit, but they weren’t sure what to do. They had spent years learning from Jesus. They watched, they absorbed, they listened and they were then given opportunities to act. Jesus sent them out – with power. The disciples were excited – they were learning to be on their own. Then came the day of Pentecost! Powerful preaching – salvation proclaimed – the church was born. One thousand – two thousand – three thousand and more were added. The disciples kept their concentration on their Father and they were off and running.
Baby is never really alone. Alongside, behind and in front of baby are strong hands – reassuring hands that guide and watch over her. The disciples were never really alone. Alongside, behind and in front of them were strong hands – reassuring hands that guided and watched over them.
So it is with us today. We, too, are empowered by the Holy Spirit to witness to the salvation story of Jesus Christ. We may take tentative steps at first, but soon we are boldly proclaiming Jesus as Lord. May God Bless your walk.
The baby has been learning for months, turning over, scooting, crawling and walking around furniture or holding onto hands. After months of practice, baby is ready to launch herself on the vast world of self-propulsion. She lifts herself up confidently to a standing position, reaching out an outstretched hand placed firmly on the coffee table. She wheels around and spies her Mommy. Her face betrays her happiness and she slides one foot forward. She is so engrossed in watching her mother that she forgets and lets go. She picks up a foot and places it down in front of her – her first step. Her momentum carries her forward – two steps. She stops and adjusts her balance, hands out and an intense concentration on her face. Once more she lunges forward, three steps, four steps, and a final dive – five steps. The room erupts into applause! She is walking. Soon she will be running – her future lies ahead.
How the disciples must have missed their Master, their Teacher, their Lord after He ascended into heaven. They were soon to receive the Holy Spirit, but they weren’t sure what to do. They had spent years learning from Jesus. They watched, they absorbed, they listened and they were then given opportunities to act. Jesus sent them out – with power. The disciples were excited – they were learning to be on their own. Then came the day of Pentecost! Powerful preaching – salvation proclaimed – the church was born. One thousand – two thousand – three thousand and more were added. The disciples kept their concentration on their Father and they were off and running.
Baby is never really alone. Alongside, behind and in front of baby are strong hands – reassuring hands that guide and watch over her. The disciples were never really alone. Alongside, behind and in front of them were strong hands – reassuring hands that guided and watched over them.
So it is with us today. We, too, are empowered by the Holy Spirit to witness to the salvation story of Jesus Christ. We may take tentative steps at first, but soon we are boldly proclaiming Jesus as Lord. May God Bless your walk.