Sugar Cookies
First mix together a ½ cup shortening and 1 cup of sugar – be sure to cream thoroughly. Then blend in 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 egg and 2 T. milk. In another bowl stir together 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, ½ tsp. salt and ½ tsp. baking soda. Stir that mixture into the shortening mixture and chill.
In another bowl take mix together some powdered sugar, shortening, vanilla and milk. Divide this mixture and add food coloring to create pretty colors.
This recipe will yield one of the all-time Easter favorites – decorated sugar cookies. Yes, I am a fan of decorated sugar cookies – especially at Easter. The dough is rolled out and cut into shapes of crosses, eggs, rabbits, and various other Easter shapes. The icing is applied to the various shapes, creating a cacophony of colors.
Yes, I am a big fan of decorated sugar cookies. I am not a big fan of decorating them. One Easter eve I was in the kitchen just as the bowls of colored icing, baked cookies and all the jars of “decorative” sugars were being laid out on the table. It was time for the family to create beautiful decorated Easter cookies.
I watched as the children painstakingly applied the yellow frosting to the chicken, the orange frosting made the beak, a small raisin piece made an eye, and black feet completed the chicken. All of this was done in less than two minutes. I sat transfixed – what a cool thing they created. Beautiful eggs, fluffy lambs, and lily adorned crosses flew across the table.
Soon I was busted – the family demanded to see my creation. Yes, I am a big fan of decorated sugar cookies – not a fan of decorating them. I took globs of colored frosting, mixed them all together and created a “mournful” shade of grey. I applied a huge glob to a cross, creating a “somber” cross. Again, I was busted – “Make them look pretty – colorful,” came the admonition. Ok, grey is a color.
I picked up an egg and started my masterpiece. After twenty-five minutes I presented my “colorful, beautifully decorated” egg – an egg with the flame pattern from a 1957 Chevy. I was excited – I was pleased – I was teased – I was told that was not appropriate – I was chastised for taking too much time.
The next day the decorated sugar cookies were placed on the table. The grey cross and flame egg were predominately displayed – the pretty chicks, lambs, eggs and “pretty” crosses were donated to the Youth Group Easter Bake Sale. Ok, I took the grey and took a bite.
I made a discovery – grey frosting tastes just as good as red, yellow, or any other shade. “Ugly” cookies tasted as good as “pretty” cookies.
Yes, God is a fan of decorated sugar cookies, too. Only the “cookies” are His people and the “decorations” are their works. We tend to look at the outside – the works. We give honor to the “pretty” people and tend to ignore the “ugly” people – the dirty, the poor, the ones that are angry, hurting, smelly, fat, skinny, quiet, egocentric, or boastful.
God looks beyond the “pretty” – He looks at the person and rejoices. His Son died for all – the pretty and the ugly. He knows that all people are just as sweet – in spite of their outer decorations.
I thank God for grey crosses, flame eggs and His Son that died for my sins. He made me “pretty.”
Prayer: Thank you for salvation.
In another bowl take mix together some powdered sugar, shortening, vanilla and milk. Divide this mixture and add food coloring to create pretty colors.
This recipe will yield one of the all-time Easter favorites – decorated sugar cookies. Yes, I am a fan of decorated sugar cookies – especially at Easter. The dough is rolled out and cut into shapes of crosses, eggs, rabbits, and various other Easter shapes. The icing is applied to the various shapes, creating a cacophony of colors.
Yes, I am a big fan of decorated sugar cookies. I am not a big fan of decorating them. One Easter eve I was in the kitchen just as the bowls of colored icing, baked cookies and all the jars of “decorative” sugars were being laid out on the table. It was time for the family to create beautiful decorated Easter cookies.
I watched as the children painstakingly applied the yellow frosting to the chicken, the orange frosting made the beak, a small raisin piece made an eye, and black feet completed the chicken. All of this was done in less than two minutes. I sat transfixed – what a cool thing they created. Beautiful eggs, fluffy lambs, and lily adorned crosses flew across the table.
Soon I was busted – the family demanded to see my creation. Yes, I am a big fan of decorated sugar cookies – not a fan of decorating them. I took globs of colored frosting, mixed them all together and created a “mournful” shade of grey. I applied a huge glob to a cross, creating a “somber” cross. Again, I was busted – “Make them look pretty – colorful,” came the admonition. Ok, grey is a color.
I picked up an egg and started my masterpiece. After twenty-five minutes I presented my “colorful, beautifully decorated” egg – an egg with the flame pattern from a 1957 Chevy. I was excited – I was pleased – I was teased – I was told that was not appropriate – I was chastised for taking too much time.
The next day the decorated sugar cookies were placed on the table. The grey cross and flame egg were predominately displayed – the pretty chicks, lambs, eggs and “pretty” crosses were donated to the Youth Group Easter Bake Sale. Ok, I took the grey and took a bite.
I made a discovery – grey frosting tastes just as good as red, yellow, or any other shade. “Ugly” cookies tasted as good as “pretty” cookies.
Yes, God is a fan of decorated sugar cookies, too. Only the “cookies” are His people and the “decorations” are their works. We tend to look at the outside – the works. We give honor to the “pretty” people and tend to ignore the “ugly” people – the dirty, the poor, the ones that are angry, hurting, smelly, fat, skinny, quiet, egocentric, or boastful.
God looks beyond the “pretty” – He looks at the person and rejoices. His Son died for all – the pretty and the ugly. He knows that all people are just as sweet – in spite of their outer decorations.
I thank God for grey crosses, flame eggs and His Son that died for my sins. He made me “pretty.”
Prayer: Thank you for salvation.