Words of Eternal Life
Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. – John 6:68
I love to read!
Yes, I love to read and those nearest and dearest in my life know and love me for that quality. I have always loved to read. When I was growing up books were very important. I could open the cover, turn the pages and instantly be transported to another “here” – another “now. I learned about the past and dreamed about the future. No occupation was dull and the world always ended with good triumphing over evil. No character was so bad, so cleaver, so mean that couldn’t be outsmarted by Nancy Drew or Frank and Joe Hardy
As an adult, I still love to open the cover of a book, settle back and wait for the magic. In the pages of a spy novel my comfortable chair is turned into a world filled with intrigue, danger, romance – all set in exotic cities – with unlimited finances and resources. I get to dress in designer fashions, wield a weapon and put the bad guy away – all in 395 pages. The mystery/spy novel world is a brief escape from the daily routine of driving, dishes, laundry, and TV sports. I can enter the make-believe world with one ear tuned for the opportunities for spousal conversation offered by half-times, time outs, and commercials. I love this world.
In the pages of the “work” books – those that I read for the resource library – I can have, my faith stretched, my comfortable conventions challenged, my blood pressure raised, or my enthusiasm ignited. The world of the “work” books offers one where I must concentrate on substance, pay attention to nuances, and filter conclusions. I must constantly remind myself that just because it is written in a book doesn’t mean that it is good, correct or true. When I enter the “work” book zone, end zones and commercials often fail to register. Even though I am a woman and was born to multi-task, the lure of a good “work” book tends to shut down the “I am paying attention to you, dear” part of the brain and I zone in on the substance of the gem in my hands.
Each time I close the final cover of a recreational book, my world is expanded, my senses stimulated and my day goes on. Each time I close the final cover of a “work” book, my faith is stronger, my convictions stronger and my world is built stronger. I thank God He has placed me here – at the Michigan District – here – at the Resource Library – here surrounded by my fellow laborers in the kingdom.
I love to read and God has placed me in a position to read. I love to share and God has placed me in a position to share. I love to partner with church workers and God has placed me in a position to partner.
But is it not the same for each and every one here? As you tally your gifts and talents – as you list your passions – as you examine that which gives you joy in life – is that not what your position here allows you to do? It is no accident that God has placed you here – in this building – in your position – in your role – to lead, mentor, resource, facilitate, equip and sustain the congregations and ministries of the Michigan District – LCMS. Even before you were here, God knew that you would be. It is vital that all of us here be here – so that we may:
1. Sensitize congregations to the lost in their communities
2. Support the professional church workers of the district
3. Strive to develop relationships among workers and congregations
4. Share resources
Without each of us using our particular and peculiar gifts, the outcomes would not be possible to achieve. With each of us working together – they are obtainable – daily.
I love to read. What is my favorite book of all time? That is difficult for me to answer, for my favorite book is not really one book – it is really sixty-six books joined into one collection – we call it the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is the book that has changed my life –here on this earth and for eternity. The Holy Bible – with the promises of the Savior of the world fulfilled, along with the hope of eternity, has given me comfort, strength, guidance, courage, wisdom, discernment, opportunity, love, patience, and knowledge. I can open the cover – turn to any page and see in the words God’s great love – for He loved me – He loved us – so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to suffer my punishment, our punishment. God’s love through Christ is a love I constantly and daily strive to show, yet fail, always to be forgiven.
Peter confessed that Christ had the words of eternal life. I love to read – especially the words of eternal life. All other words pale in comparison, all other words fail to save – it is only in His eternal words – His life-giving words that we have eternal life.
I pray that you find as much joy as I do when you read the words of eternal life.
Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. – John 6:68
I love to read!
Yes, I love to read and those nearest and dearest in my life know and love me for that quality. I have always loved to read. When I was growing up books were very important. I could open the cover, turn the pages and instantly be transported to another “here” – another “now. I learned about the past and dreamed about the future. No occupation was dull and the world always ended with good triumphing over evil. No character was so bad, so cleaver, so mean that couldn’t be outsmarted by Nancy Drew or Frank and Joe Hardy
As an adult, I still love to open the cover of a book, settle back and wait for the magic. In the pages of a spy novel my comfortable chair is turned into a world filled with intrigue, danger, romance – all set in exotic cities – with unlimited finances and resources. I get to dress in designer fashions, wield a weapon and put the bad guy away – all in 395 pages. The mystery/spy novel world is a brief escape from the daily routine of driving, dishes, laundry, and TV sports. I can enter the make-believe world with one ear tuned for the opportunities for spousal conversation offered by half-times, time outs, and commercials. I love this world.
In the pages of the “work” books – those that I read for the resource library – I can have, my faith stretched, my comfortable conventions challenged, my blood pressure raised, or my enthusiasm ignited. The world of the “work” books offers one where I must concentrate on substance, pay attention to nuances, and filter conclusions. I must constantly remind myself that just because it is written in a book doesn’t mean that it is good, correct or true. When I enter the “work” book zone, end zones and commercials often fail to register. Even though I am a woman and was born to multi-task, the lure of a good “work” book tends to shut down the “I am paying attention to you, dear” part of the brain and I zone in on the substance of the gem in my hands.
Each time I close the final cover of a recreational book, my world is expanded, my senses stimulated and my day goes on. Each time I close the final cover of a “work” book, my faith is stronger, my convictions stronger and my world is built stronger. I thank God He has placed me here – at the Michigan District – here – at the Resource Library – here surrounded by my fellow laborers in the kingdom.
I love to read and God has placed me in a position to read. I love to share and God has placed me in a position to share. I love to partner with church workers and God has placed me in a position to partner.
But is it not the same for each and every one here? As you tally your gifts and talents – as you list your passions – as you examine that which gives you joy in life – is that not what your position here allows you to do? It is no accident that God has placed you here – in this building – in your position – in your role – to lead, mentor, resource, facilitate, equip and sustain the congregations and ministries of the Michigan District – LCMS. Even before you were here, God knew that you would be. It is vital that all of us here be here – so that we may:
1. Sensitize congregations to the lost in their communities
2. Support the professional church workers of the district
3. Strive to develop relationships among workers and congregations
4. Share resources
Without each of us using our particular and peculiar gifts, the outcomes would not be possible to achieve. With each of us working together – they are obtainable – daily.
I love to read. What is my favorite book of all time? That is difficult for me to answer, for my favorite book is not really one book – it is really sixty-six books joined into one collection – we call it the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is the book that has changed my life –here on this earth and for eternity. The Holy Bible – with the promises of the Savior of the world fulfilled, along with the hope of eternity, has given me comfort, strength, guidance, courage, wisdom, discernment, opportunity, love, patience, and knowledge. I can open the cover – turn to any page and see in the words God’s great love – for He loved me – He loved us – so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to suffer my punishment, our punishment. God’s love through Christ is a love I constantly and daily strive to show, yet fail, always to be forgiven.
Peter confessed that Christ had the words of eternal life. I love to read – especially the words of eternal life. All other words pale in comparison, all other words fail to save – it is only in His eternal words – His life-giving words that we have eternal life.
I pray that you find as much joy as I do when you read the words of eternal life.