Change 10-11-2001
It seems as if the topic of conversation these days is “Change.” News reports tell us how America has changed, columnists write about the changed world, and airport travelers attest to how much their lives have changed. Many people seem to hold the view that the world changed on Sept. 11. I thought about that this morning.
I believe that the world didn’t change. Sin was/is present, evil did/does exist, and God was/is God. I do believe that we as corporate America have a different outlook now. We are struck with the fact that not all things last forever. Many of us have been confronted with this very dramatically.
When the doctor confirms the diagnosis of cancer, when the phone rings after an accident, or when the weather destroys our home we come face to face with the fact that nothing lasts forever. Individually trials can bring us closer to God, today we have the chance to witness to the country to help them bring them closer to God.
Is change bad? I depend on change. For it is through my baptism that my Old Adam is drowned and dies with all my sins and evil desires, and that a new man daily emerges and arises to live before God in righteousness and purity.
I believe that the world didn’t change. Sin was/is present, evil did/does exist, and God was/is God. I do believe that we as corporate America have a different outlook now. We are struck with the fact that not all things last forever. Many of us have been confronted with this very dramatically.
When the doctor confirms the diagnosis of cancer, when the phone rings after an accident, or when the weather destroys our home we come face to face with the fact that nothing lasts forever. Individually trials can bring us closer to God, today we have the chance to witness to the country to help them bring them closer to God.
Is change bad? I depend on change. For it is through my baptism that my Old Adam is drowned and dies with all my sins and evil desires, and that a new man daily emerges and arises to live before God in righteousness and purity.
Fall 10-23-2001
Last week my wife and I attended the Missouri District Professional Church Workers conference at the Tan-Tar-A resort on Lake of the Ozarks. What a splendid weekend. The sun shone bright, the Fall colors were just beautiful, and the ducks came to be fed. As I viewed the beautiful colors on the trees I was struck by the thought that this beauty was only possible because the leaves were dying. I have been thinking about death recently.
A few weeks ago we found out that my wife’s cancer had returned. For ten years all the check-ups were normal, but now it has returned. It was a surprise to say the least. She has a very strong faith. Her prayer tonight was “Lord, we thank you for adversity that drives us closer to you. Too often we drift away from you, thank you for bringing us closer.”
Then it hit me, what a beautiful mansion awaits us after our time on this earth. What a comfort we have to be able to face anything, even death, knowing the beauty that awaits us cannot be compared to anything on this earth.
We need to be about the business of sharing this Good News with all those around us. May God bless your efforts.
A few weeks ago we found out that my wife’s cancer had returned. For ten years all the check-ups were normal, but now it has returned. It was a surprise to say the least. She has a very strong faith. Her prayer tonight was “Lord, we thank you for adversity that drives us closer to you. Too often we drift away from you, thank you for bringing us closer.”
Then it hit me, what a beautiful mansion awaits us after our time on this earth. What a comfort we have to be able to face anything, even death, knowing the beauty that awaits us cannot be compared to anything on this earth.
We need to be about the business of sharing this Good News with all those around us. May God bless your efforts.