Ayer, Margaret. Getting to Know Thailand. Coward-McCann, Inc., 1959
Ayer, Margaret. Made in Thailand. Alfred A Knopf, Inc., 1964
(Adult reading on history, geography, and religion)
Caldwell, John C. Let’s Visit Thailand. New York: The John Day Company, 1967
Caldwell, John C. Massage Girl and Other Sketches of Thailand. New York: The John Day Company, 1968. (Good adult reading about real flesh and blood Thais, their problems, religious beliefs, hopes and fears, and their moral standards)
Jacobsen, Peter Otto and Kristensen, Preben Sejer. A Family in Thailand. New York: The Bookwright Press, 1986. (Good photos, follows a family in a village on the River Chao Phraya near Ayutthaya – short enough to read or show pictures)
Johnson, Sylvia. Rice. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1985. (Excellent photographs of the rice plants, flooded rice paddies, and rice harvests)
Knopf, Alfred A. Thailand. New York: Random House, 1997
Lye, Keith. Take a Trip to Thailand. Franklin Watts Limited, 1986. (Excellent short colorful book to read to young children – Great overview of Thailand)**
Thomson, Ruth and Neil. A Family in Thailand. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1988. (Good photos, good insight into village living as it follow the life of a Thai family, short enough to read or talk through with young children)**
“Ministry Facts – Thailand.” Lutheran Hour Ministries, 1998.
“Mission Focus – Thailand.” LCMS World Mission
“World Notes – Mission Facts and Statistics 1997-98.” LCMS World Mission
Ayer, Margaret. Getting to Know Thailand. Coward-McCann, Inc., 1959
Ayer, Margaret. Made in Thailand. Alfred A Knopf, Inc., 1964
(Adult reading on history, geography, and religion)
Caldwell, John C. Let’s Visit Thailand. New York: The John Day Company, 1967
Caldwell, John C. Massage Girl and Other Sketches of Thailand. New York: The John Day Company, 1968. (Good adult reading about real flesh and blood Thais, their problems, religious beliefs, hopes and fears, and their moral standards)
Jacobsen, Peter Otto and Kristensen, Preben Sejer. A Family in Thailand. New York: The Bookwright Press, 1986. (Good photos, follows a family in a village on the River Chao Phraya near Ayutthaya – short enough to read or show pictures)
Johnson, Sylvia. Rice. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1985. (Excellent photographs of the rice plants, flooded rice paddies, and rice harvests)
Knopf, Alfred A. Thailand. New York: Random House, 1997
Lye, Keith. Take a Trip to Thailand. Franklin Watts Limited, 1986. (Excellent short colorful book to read to young children – Great overview of Thailand)**
Thomson, Ruth and Neil. A Family in Thailand. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1988. (Good photos, good insight into village living as it follow the life of a Thai family, short enough to read or talk through with young children)**
“Ministry Facts – Thailand.” Lutheran Hour Ministries, 1998.
“Mission Focus – Thailand.” LCMS World Mission
“World Notes – Mission Facts and Statistics 1997-98.” LCMS World Mission