Give God His Due
Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. "Teacher," they said, "we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are. Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" - Matt. 22:15-17
The Pharisees didn’t like Jesus. Jesus was liked by the people. Jesus was teaching Gospel. The Pharisees specialized in the Law. The Pharisees wanted to put Jesus into a situation where He would end up saying something that the government wouldn’t like. Their thinking was such that if they could get Jesus to anger the government, then Rome would remove Him. The Pharisees could then return to their position of power and influence. So they asked a “trick” question. If Jesus responded that they shouldn’t pay taxes, then Rome would step in, if He said they should, then the people wouldn’t like Him.
Our Savior responds, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." What an awesome answer!
This answer confused the Pharisees.
How does His answer speak to us today? What is God’s?
The short answer is, “Everything belongs to God.” He is the Creator and Sustainer of all of our life. He created the heavens and the earth, He created time and space, He created everything – including me. God made it – He owns it.
If God owns everything – How can I “give to God what is God’s?”
We give to God that which is His when we use the gifts He gives us in a way that brings Him honor. We give to God our time as we worship Him in church, read the Holy Scriptures and talk to Him in prayer. We give to God our treasures when we spend our money on that which sustains our body and helps our neighbors. We give to God our talents as we use our special gifts and abilities to bring Him honor. It is not about us – it is about God.
Do I fail to give God His due – absolutely. Am I forgiven – Yes! Do I put my time above God’s time – lots. Am I forgiven – Yes! Do I often hide my talents so as not to be bothered – often. Am I forgiven – Yes! I pray each day for the strength to do that which is right. That is giving God His due.
Prayer – God, help me give to you that which is yours. Amen
The Pharisees didn’t like Jesus. Jesus was liked by the people. Jesus was teaching Gospel. The Pharisees specialized in the Law. The Pharisees wanted to put Jesus into a situation where He would end up saying something that the government wouldn’t like. Their thinking was such that if they could get Jesus to anger the government, then Rome would remove Him. The Pharisees could then return to their position of power and influence. So they asked a “trick” question. If Jesus responded that they shouldn’t pay taxes, then Rome would step in, if He said they should, then the people wouldn’t like Him.
Our Savior responds, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." What an awesome answer!
This answer confused the Pharisees.
How does His answer speak to us today? What is God’s?
The short answer is, “Everything belongs to God.” He is the Creator and Sustainer of all of our life. He created the heavens and the earth, He created time and space, He created everything – including me. God made it – He owns it.
If God owns everything – How can I “give to God what is God’s?”
We give to God that which is His when we use the gifts He gives us in a way that brings Him honor. We give to God our time as we worship Him in church, read the Holy Scriptures and talk to Him in prayer. We give to God our treasures when we spend our money on that which sustains our body and helps our neighbors. We give to God our talents as we use our special gifts and abilities to bring Him honor. It is not about us – it is about God.
Do I fail to give God His due – absolutely. Am I forgiven – Yes! Do I put my time above God’s time – lots. Am I forgiven – Yes! Do I often hide my talents so as not to be bothered – often. Am I forgiven – Yes! I pray each day for the strength to do that which is right. That is giving God His due.
Prayer – God, help me give to you that which is yours. Amen