When Rich and Carol were members of Zion Lutheran Church, Harvester, MO, it was the tradition of the congregation to solicit devotional thoughts from the members to be published in an "After Easter" devotional booklet distributed to all members.
Rich wrote this devotional for the booklet in April, 2016.
Rich wrote this devotional for the booklet in April, 2016.
Foolish Sheep

Scripture: Psalm 23: The LORD is my shepherd. . .
I am a sheep: a wandering, foolish, dependent, defenseless animal that needs constant attention, provision and protection.
Yes, I am a sheep and I need a Shepherd.
There was the time after my first pay check I decided that movies and meals out were proper celebrations, only to face the reality of no money or food with a week to payday. My grand idea proved folly. As we sat down for our “last” meal, the doorbell rang. A neighbor offered two bags of food. The Shepherd feeds me.
The wipers couldn’t keep up with the onslaught of slush from passing drivers. The washer fluid provided brief glimpses of road until it ran dry. I knew the exit was fast approaching but the streaked windshield made it impossible to see. I prayed. A large truck splashed slush; the wipers cleared the view just in time to see the exit sign. The Shepherd leads me.
The night wore on as I lay in the hospital bed recovering from yet another surgery. The pain drove me to cry out in despair. The nurse informed me it wasn’t time for meds. As she left, the darkness descended around my body and seeped into my soul. I closed my eyes and prayed for death to relieve the pain. The next thing I knew it was morning. I had fallen asleep. The Shepherd comforts me.
As I kneel at the altar for the Lord’s Supper, I know that no matter how much I wander from God, nothing can take away the goodness and mercy that follows me all my days on this earth. When my days are finished, I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
Prayer: LORD, thank You for all You provide for body and soul. Please use me to share the Good News of Your Story with other sheep who need Your provision, protection and promise. Amen.
Rich Cohrs – a foolish sheep redeemed by The Good Shepherd.
I am a sheep: a wandering, foolish, dependent, defenseless animal that needs constant attention, provision and protection.
Yes, I am a sheep and I need a Shepherd.
There was the time after my first pay check I decided that movies and meals out were proper celebrations, only to face the reality of no money or food with a week to payday. My grand idea proved folly. As we sat down for our “last” meal, the doorbell rang. A neighbor offered two bags of food. The Shepherd feeds me.
The wipers couldn’t keep up with the onslaught of slush from passing drivers. The washer fluid provided brief glimpses of road until it ran dry. I knew the exit was fast approaching but the streaked windshield made it impossible to see. I prayed. A large truck splashed slush; the wipers cleared the view just in time to see the exit sign. The Shepherd leads me.
The night wore on as I lay in the hospital bed recovering from yet another surgery. The pain drove me to cry out in despair. The nurse informed me it wasn’t time for meds. As she left, the darkness descended around my body and seeped into my soul. I closed my eyes and prayed for death to relieve the pain. The next thing I knew it was morning. I had fallen asleep. The Shepherd comforts me.
As I kneel at the altar for the Lord’s Supper, I know that no matter how much I wander from God, nothing can take away the goodness and mercy that follows me all my days on this earth. When my days are finished, I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
Prayer: LORD, thank You for all You provide for body and soul. Please use me to share the Good News of Your Story with other sheep who need Your provision, protection and promise. Amen.
Rich Cohrs – a foolish sheep redeemed by The Good Shepherd.