As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?" And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.
- Acts 8: 36 – 38
She sat on the rocks – quietly gazing on the horizon. The waves rolled towards the shore, gaining height and speed on their journey. The distinctive sound of hissing water announced another wave crashing at her feet. Small rocks, leaves, and pieces of bark from neighboring trees were swept clean from the beach as the wave slid back into the sea. The canyon resounded with the steady pulse of waves thundering ashore. She was alone with the sea and her thoughts.
As she gazed outward, her inward thoughts twisted and turned. She thought about water – the lifeblood of the planet. Without water every living creature, every living creation would wither up and perish – never more to have life.
She contemplated the majesty of a Creator that provided for her – in every circumstance – in every way. She ventured back in her mind, recounting the journey that brought her to this beach – at this time. As she traced the route, she paused at each turn and thanked God for His provision– His guidance – His touch in her life. God had indeed been with her – when she laughed and when she cried – when she rejoiced and when she mourned – when she was hugged and when she was alone. He never abandoned her. She could see that – now.
Yes, He was there – in the pages of the Scripture she would faithfully read and study – in the giggles of her babies when they reached out for Mommy – in the words of “Well Done” from her supervisors and co-workers – in the miracle of having just enough money for food, gas, and clothing. He was there in the sunrise – He was there in the sunset. He was there in the stillness of the wooded glen – He was there in the traffic back-up on 23. He spoke to her in the lullabies of gentle winds and in the roar of the thunder.
She had been hurt by man – she was healed by her Heavenly Father. As she studied the patterns of the ebb and flow of each wave her thoughts turned to Creation. God knew her before He created the heavens and the earth. He created the world for her. The waters that soothed her were the waters God called forth from the void when He said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas."
This very same water was the water from the beginning – this very same God was the God from before the beginning.
Ah, but her thoughts continued. Water – it brings forth life from itself – it brings forth life from the ground – it sustains that which is alive. But water does more than provide for physical life – it is the visible element in the miracle of baptism. By water and the Word we are washed clean – spiritually – eternally. The waves of Creation provide the water of new creation. What a peace she felt in her heart – God claimed her as His child – His daughter. Nothing on earth could separate her from the Love of Her Heavenly Father – nothing on earth could drive a wedge between her and Her Heavenly Daddy. Some had tried – and failed. She felt joy as she watched the waves and felt in her mind the embracing cleansing waters of salvation washing over her sin-filled body.
Joy brought memories of times of family gatherings at the lake, by the shore. Oh, the days seemed so long ago, learning to ski – dragged behind the boat – the wind blowing her hair, her heart filled with overflowing joy that escaped with the squeals from her lips. She remembered running into the waves, diving under – floating free in the warm arms of the sea. The peace and wonder filled her soul with smiles. She was reminded of splashing her sisters – the screams of her siblings announcing a direct hit.
Her girlhood joy then was but a foreshadowing of her present joy. She was happy – she was content – she was joy-filled. She longed for the world to know her joy. She remembered those who still turned from God – who were not yet washed in the waters of baptism. She wept for them.
She wiped the tears from her face, sang songs of joy and prayed that she could be used as a Philip. She longed to hear, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?"
As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?" And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.
- Acts 8: 36 – 38
She sat on the rocks – quietly gazing on the horizon. The waves rolled towards the shore, gaining height and speed on their journey. The distinctive sound of hissing water announced another wave crashing at her feet. Small rocks, leaves, and pieces of bark from neighboring trees were swept clean from the beach as the wave slid back into the sea. The canyon resounded with the steady pulse of waves thundering ashore. She was alone with the sea and her thoughts.
As she gazed outward, her inward thoughts twisted and turned. She thought about water – the lifeblood of the planet. Without water every living creature, every living creation would wither up and perish – never more to have life.
She contemplated the majesty of a Creator that provided for her – in every circumstance – in every way. She ventured back in her mind, recounting the journey that brought her to this beach – at this time. As she traced the route, she paused at each turn and thanked God for His provision– His guidance – His touch in her life. God had indeed been with her – when she laughed and when she cried – when she rejoiced and when she mourned – when she was hugged and when she was alone. He never abandoned her. She could see that – now.
Yes, He was there – in the pages of the Scripture she would faithfully read and study – in the giggles of her babies when they reached out for Mommy – in the words of “Well Done” from her supervisors and co-workers – in the miracle of having just enough money for food, gas, and clothing. He was there in the sunrise – He was there in the sunset. He was there in the stillness of the wooded glen – He was there in the traffic back-up on 23. He spoke to her in the lullabies of gentle winds and in the roar of the thunder.
She had been hurt by man – she was healed by her Heavenly Father. As she studied the patterns of the ebb and flow of each wave her thoughts turned to Creation. God knew her before He created the heavens and the earth. He created the world for her. The waters that soothed her were the waters God called forth from the void when He said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas."
This very same water was the water from the beginning – this very same God was the God from before the beginning.
Ah, but her thoughts continued. Water – it brings forth life from itself – it brings forth life from the ground – it sustains that which is alive. But water does more than provide for physical life – it is the visible element in the miracle of baptism. By water and the Word we are washed clean – spiritually – eternally. The waves of Creation provide the water of new creation. What a peace she felt in her heart – God claimed her as His child – His daughter. Nothing on earth could separate her from the Love of Her Heavenly Father – nothing on earth could drive a wedge between her and Her Heavenly Daddy. Some had tried – and failed. She felt joy as she watched the waves and felt in her mind the embracing cleansing waters of salvation washing over her sin-filled body.
Joy brought memories of times of family gatherings at the lake, by the shore. Oh, the days seemed so long ago, learning to ski – dragged behind the boat – the wind blowing her hair, her heart filled with overflowing joy that escaped with the squeals from her lips. She remembered running into the waves, diving under – floating free in the warm arms of the sea. The peace and wonder filled her soul with smiles. She was reminded of splashing her sisters – the screams of her siblings announcing a direct hit.
Her girlhood joy then was but a foreshadowing of her present joy. She was happy – she was content – she was joy-filled. She longed for the world to know her joy. She remembered those who still turned from God – who were not yet washed in the waters of baptism. She wept for them.
She wiped the tears from her face, sang songs of joy and prayed that she could be used as a Philip. She longed to hear, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?"