"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
Acts 1:11 (NIV)
I pulled up in front of the school, leaned over and gave her a kiss. Bunny opened the door and walked into the building for her first Principals Conference. As I drove away, I was filled with emotion. I was so very proud of her – she is a talented and gifted leader. I was sad – I was going to miss being with her. I was anxious – would she make friends? Would the other Principals like her? Would she find lunch? Would others see how special she was?
I wiped a small tear from my cheek and drove away.
This scene reminded me of the other times I watched my loved ones walk away from the car to enter a new phase of their life. I still can picture each of our children as they pulled open the door to the school for their very first day of their educational career. They seemed so very small – too tiny to be walking away from me into the huge school. I was anxious that they would soon grow apart from me – from their mother – from their family. The day I dropped each of the children off in front of their college dorm was another anxious day for me. They seemed so naïve – so unprepared for the world. I wanted to rush up to them and spirit them away to a safe place – a place where only my family lived. I would protect them from all danger.
I felt the same emotions as we pulled our car away from the front of Abby’s house. She was so tiny as her daddy held her and moved her arms up and down to wave bye-bye to O’Ma and O’Pa. I wanted to wrap them all up and carry them with me.
Partings are a part of God’s plan for us. Each of us in turn must enter a new phase of our life. Soon we will end the 2004-2005 school year. We pray God’s blessings and protection to all of our students as they complete their present grade and move on to their next step of educational progress.
Each parting we experience here on Earth is a foreshadowing of the final parting – the day we will walk the streets of Heaven and be welcomed by Our Heavenly Father. He will wrap His arms around us and we will be safe. We will take our place in His family – a place free from pain, free from worry, free from sorrow.
May God continue to hold you in His hand.
In His service,
Rich Cohrs,
Christ the King Lutheran School
Acts 1:11 (NIV)
I pulled up in front of the school, leaned over and gave her a kiss. Bunny opened the door and walked into the building for her first Principals Conference. As I drove away, I was filled with emotion. I was so very proud of her – she is a talented and gifted leader. I was sad – I was going to miss being with her. I was anxious – would she make friends? Would the other Principals like her? Would she find lunch? Would others see how special she was?
I wiped a small tear from my cheek and drove away.
This scene reminded me of the other times I watched my loved ones walk away from the car to enter a new phase of their life. I still can picture each of our children as they pulled open the door to the school for their very first day of their educational career. They seemed so very small – too tiny to be walking away from me into the huge school. I was anxious that they would soon grow apart from me – from their mother – from their family. The day I dropped each of the children off in front of their college dorm was another anxious day for me. They seemed so naïve – so unprepared for the world. I wanted to rush up to them and spirit them away to a safe place – a place where only my family lived. I would protect them from all danger.
I felt the same emotions as we pulled our car away from the front of Abby’s house. She was so tiny as her daddy held her and moved her arms up and down to wave bye-bye to O’Ma and O’Pa. I wanted to wrap them all up and carry them with me.
Partings are a part of God’s plan for us. Each of us in turn must enter a new phase of our life. Soon we will end the 2004-2005 school year. We pray God’s blessings and protection to all of our students as they complete their present grade and move on to their next step of educational progress.
Each parting we experience here on Earth is a foreshadowing of the final parting – the day we will walk the streets of Heaven and be welcomed by Our Heavenly Father. He will wrap His arms around us and we will be safe. We will take our place in His family – a place free from pain, free from worry, free from sorrow.
May God continue to hold you in His hand.
In His service,
Rich Cohrs,
Christ the King Lutheran School