Vintage Czech Beaded Christmas Ornamen
Rich inherited many Christmas items from his parents after their death. In particular, Rich received a few of the Czech Glass Beaded Christmas ornaments that he remembered hung on his parent's tree all as long as he can remember.
These ornaments included a beaded glass ship, star, and criss, among others. Mom and Dad purcashed some and were given some after they were married in the late 1940's. These ornaments were new then, they are vintage now.
This ornament is a vintage Czech glass bead ornament. It was made in the 1940s. The term “Czech beaded ornaments” refers to ornaments made of glass beads strung on wire and applies to ornaments made with as few as one large single bead, to the incredibly complicated, made with literally hundreds if individual beads on each ornament. They were made throughout Czechoslovakia, mostly in towns near to Reichenberg, Gablonz, and throughout the Thurigin area. There were similar beaded ornaments produced in Bohemia, Prague, Moravia, Silesia, Austria, Vienna, and Germany.
In 2023, Rich noticed that this ornament was getting very fragile, so he placed it oin teh Wall of Crosses as a reminder of his parents and as a reminder of the life of Christ - born, died, and risen to give believers eternal life!
Rich inherited many Christmas items from his parents after their death. In particular, Rich received a few of the Czech Glass Beaded Christmas ornaments that he remembered hung on his parent's tree all as long as he can remember.
These ornaments included a beaded glass ship, star, and criss, among others. Mom and Dad purcashed some and were given some after they were married in the late 1940's. These ornaments were new then, they are vintage now.
This ornament is a vintage Czech glass bead ornament. It was made in the 1940s. The term “Czech beaded ornaments” refers to ornaments made of glass beads strung on wire and applies to ornaments made with as few as one large single bead, to the incredibly complicated, made with literally hundreds if individual beads on each ornament. They were made throughout Czechoslovakia, mostly in towns near to Reichenberg, Gablonz, and throughout the Thurigin area. There were similar beaded ornaments produced in Bohemia, Prague, Moravia, Silesia, Austria, Vienna, and Germany.
In 2023, Rich noticed that this ornament was getting very fragile, so he placed it oin teh Wall of Crosses as a reminder of his parents and as a reminder of the life of Christ - born, died, and risen to give believers eternal life!