Waterford Christmas Snowstar - 2020
Waterford's exquisite Snowstar Ornament has been redesigned for 2020 and introduces a brand new shape to the collection. This stunning new design incorporates a beautiful cross with lines of horizontal crystal for a modern update on a traditional Christmas symbol.
Rich found this ornament at Macy's and liked it si much that Carol bought it for him.
Rich found the design especially interesting.
The star reminds us of the star of Bethlehem that appeared over the baby Jesus. The center vertical line reminds us of how the star pointed the way to Jesus for the Magi.
The horizontal and vertical lines in the center of teh star reminds us of the cross on which Jesus paid the price for our sin.
The bare cross reminds us that He is risen from teh dead and gives us eternal life with Him in heaven.
Waterford's exquisite Snowstar Ornament has been redesigned for 2020 and introduces a brand new shape to the collection. This stunning new design incorporates a beautiful cross with lines of horizontal crystal for a modern update on a traditional Christmas symbol.
Rich found this ornament at Macy's and liked it si much that Carol bought it for him.
Rich found the design especially interesting.
The star reminds us of the star of Bethlehem that appeared over the baby Jesus. The center vertical line reminds us of how the star pointed the way to Jesus for the Magi.
The horizontal and vertical lines in the center of teh star reminds us of the cross on which Jesus paid the price for our sin.
The bare cross reminds us that He is risen from teh dead and gives us eternal life with Him in heaven.